Headshot of me

Now: Staff Privacy Engineer, Google Inc.

Previously: SM’18, Technology and Policy Program, MIT
Research Assistant, Internet Policy Research Initiative, MIT CSAIL

I currently work as a staff privacy engineer at Google with a focus on artificial intelligence, machine learning, and experimental products. Most of my time is spent on company-wide AI and ML privacy policy, guidance, and advisory, helping teams across the company innovate while respecting the user. I also work directly with teams in Google DeepMind, Labs, and Research that build and deploy AI. Previously, I did privacy engineering with other experimental and research verticals, including health and the other Alphabet companies.

When I was at MIT, I worked on stuff at the intersection between policy and the Internet: cybersecurity with a slant towards human factors. My master’s thesis examined how a trusted security notification and remediation infrastructure maintained by ISPs could help combat cybersecurity threats.

Other interests of mine include scientific and technical communication (such as how to effectively relay complex concepts to users and policy makers), digital privacy, usability, and web measurement techniques. I’m also interested in how all of these technological fields relate to policy and politics—and how we can better understand those interactions to create smarter policy and savvier technology.

Before MIT, I studied decision science and Engineering and Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon. I also did human-computer interaction research there, including privacy, HCI fabrication, and user studies. In my spare time, I pursue photography, music, and way too many side projects.